Middletown Regional Agriculture Science & Technology Center

How to Apply

Discover the opportunities in agriculture at the Middletown High School Regional Agricultural Science and Technology Center. Middletown Agricultural Education is available to students from Chester, Clinton, Cromwell, Deep River, Durham, East Hampton, Essex, Guilford, Haddam, Killingworth, Madison, Middlefield, Middletown, Portland, Old Saybrook, Rocky Hill, and Westbrook. 

Enrollment Procedure Checklist
Interested students must complete the following steps:

  • Complete Application

  • Attend Parent/Student Orientation and/or Interview

Applications available in:

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Portuguese

Click on an application link, ask your guidance counselor, or contact us at 860-704-4599 to have an application mailed to your address.

Submitting an Application

Students or School Counselors may send the completed application.  Applications may be emailed as a pdf, a scanned document, screenshot, jpg (photo), or you may mail a printed copy to:

Middletown ASTE
200 La Rosa Lane
Middletown, CT 06457
Attention: Application 

Visit the Program

Attend the Open House or schedule a personal appointment call 860-704-4599 or email isaacsonr@mpsct.org for more information.

Our School

Located in the Central Connecticut River Valley, Middletown has a proud agriculture history. The town of Middletown is an urban community surrounded by suburban communities. The area served by the Middletown Regional Agriculture Science & Technology Center is approximately 1,000 square miles. The program is a regional program located at Middletown High School. The center serves 16 towns.

The center consists of five classrooms, an aquaculture laboratory, four greenhouses, a 3,200 square foot shop, fully equipped with a five bay machinery storage area, and two animal science laboratories.   

State Regulation

State Regulation

Sec. 10-65-6.

(d) Any student denied admission to a program of vocational agriculture or who is about to be dismissed from such a program shall be given an opportunity to request an informal review of his/her case before a Review Committee at a Regional Vocational Agriculture Center. The Review Committee shall be composed of at least, but not limited to the following representation: a member of the vocational agriculture staff, an administrator from the school where the vocational agriculture program operates, a member of the operating board of education or their administrative representative, a member of the sending board of education or their administrative representative, and a member of the regional vocational agriculture consulting committee. Such student may make a request in writing, to the proper vocational agriculture center, addressed to the administrator responsible for such center, for a review of his or her case. Any such request shall be made within 15 days of such action. The said committee shall conduct such review within 20 days of receipt of such request. The committee through the operating board of education shall within 10 days of such review, notify in writing, the student, and the sending board of education of its decision. This decision shall be final and binding upon all parties.