Middletown Regional Agriculture Science & Technology Center
Agricultural Science & Technology Education (ASTE) Curriculum & Instruction
Agricultural Science & Technology
Curriculum & Instruction
Course Description
Agricultural Science & Technology is an elective STEM course within the curriculum of Middletown High School. Students take a regular academic program to meet the requirements for graduation. Enrollment in Agriculture Science & Technology can assist students in preparing for a four-year college, a two-year college, or securing employment upon graduation. The program is designed to allow students to develop an interest in agriculture and gain hands-on experiences. Two (2) credits are earned each year for successful completion of the in-school instruction, practical agricultural experience program, and the FFA (leadership and personal growth). The curriculum provides instruction in Plant Science, Agricultural Mechanics, Animal Science, and Natural Resources. Additional information is available from the guidance department or the Agricultural Science & Technology Education Center.
One (1) credit in science can be earned upon successful completion of the total Agricultural Science & Technology program.
Students are also eligible to earn college credits through our dual enrollment programs. College courses through University of Connecticut Early College Experience (ECE) and Middlesex Community College include:
ECE ANSC 1602: Behavior and Training of Domestic Animals
ECE ANSC 1676: Introduction to Companion Animals
ECE SPSS 1110: Fundamentals of Horticulture
ECE NRE 1000E: Environmental Science (pending)
MCC Veterinary Assistant I & II
MCC Equine Management & EvaluationArticulation agreements with Unity College in Maine, Paul Smith in New York, and Delaware Valley University (pending) allow for additional credit opportunities.
Enrolled students can earn the following industry certifications: ACT Vet Assistant Certification, The Elanco Fundamentals of Animal Science Certification, ACT Kennel Maintenance, The Elanco Veterinary Medical Applications Certification Certification, Ducks Unlimited Ecology Conservation & Management Certification, BASF Plant Science Certification, The Benz School of Floral Design Principles of Floral Design Certification, Equipment & Engine Training Council (EETC) Principles of Small Engine Technology Certification, and The National Horse Judging Team Coaches’ Association (NHJTCA) Equine Management & Evaluation.
Ag I Semester Grade (s) Credits
Full year 9, 10 2.0
Ag I offers an exploration of the field of agriculture, as well as more in-depth study of curriculum area. This course is open to ninth or tenth grade students who have shown an interest in agriculture. Students must complete enrollment procedures of the Agricultural Science & Technology Department and be accepted into the program. A Supervised Agriculture Experience Program and participation in the FFA is required.
Ag II Semester Grade (s) Credits
Full year 10, 11 2.0
This course is open to students who have successfully completed Ag I, or with consent of the Director of Agriculture. Students will select a major curriculum area for study, as well as required units of instruction. Requirements include active participation in the FFA and development of a Supervised Agriculture Experience Program. Grade 10 and 11 students who have not completed Ag I may be enrolled with consent of the Director of Agricultural Science & Technology.
Advanced Ag Semester Grade (s) CreditsAgriculture 3/4 Full year 11, 12 2.0
This course is open only to students who have successfully completed Ag II. Active participation in the FFA, and an approved Supervised Agriculture Experience Program is required. Students will concentrate in a major curriculum area, as well as required units of instruction.
Scope & Sequence
I. Year 1
Agriculture students enroll Freshman year. The first year of instruction offers introductory course work in Agricultural Mechanics, Animal Science, Natural Resources, Plant Science, Agricultural Marketing (Wreath Making/Open House), Supervised Agricultural Experience (a work study program), and FFA (Leadership Training). The introductory courses provide prerequisite information for all subsequent course work.
II. Year 2
The second year agriculture students select a major area of study: Agricultural Mechnics, Animal Science, Natural Resources, and Plant Science. In addition, all students take units of instruction in Environmental & Applicator Safety for Pesticides, Equipment & Applicator Safety, Agricultural Marketing (Wreath Making/Open House), Supervised Agricultural Experience (a work study program), and FFA (Leadership Training).
To learn more about Ag II Curriculum & Instruction click here.
III. Year 3
The third year agriculture students are combined with fourth year students. The curriculum is a two-year cycle. Both the third and fourth year of instruction provide advanced knowledge of the four areas of instruction: Agricultural Mechanics, Animal Science, Natural Resources, and Plant Science. In addition all students take units of instruction in Agricultural Business (Planning, Organization, Credit, Finance & Records), Agricultural Issues, Agricultural Sales and Marketing, Supervised Agricultural Experience (a work study program), and FFA (Leadership Training).
IV. Year 4
The fourth year agriculture students are combined with third year students. The curriculum is a two-year cycle. Both the third and fourth year of instruction provide advanced knowledge of the four areas of instruction: Agricultural Mechanics, Animal Science, Natural Resources, and Plant Science. In addition all students take units of instruction in Agricultural Business (Planning, Organization, Credit, Finance & Records), Agricultural Issues, Agricultural Sales and Marketing, Supervised Agricultural Experience (a work study program), and FFA (Leadership Training).
The Agricultural Science & Technology program uses three sources for standards in our curriculum. The sources are as follows:
Connecticut Standards can be found by clicking here. The Agricultural Science and Technology Education Curriculum Framework is used as the standard for most units in agriculutral education at Middletown High School.
CT and National Standards in Agriculture can be found by clicking here. National Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Cluster Content Standards are used in conjunction with State Standards.
Connecticut Standards for Science can be found by clicking here. Science standards apply to several areas of our curriculum including, but not limited to: animal science, natural resources, and plant science.